Apple has recently launched the iPhone 15, which boasts of improved camera and speed features 12. The device’s design is sleek and smooth, providing a comfortable grip 1. However, it is unfortunate that accidents happen, and we often have to cover the device with a case, which hides its beautiful design 1.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is now ubiquitous, and if you haven’t used some form of AI yet, you are missing out 3. ChatGPT and Bing are two such AI-powered tools that you can use. Bing is a lesser-known internet search engine that comes with built-in AI capabilities 3. Unlike other search engines that provide links to existing websites, Bing AI provides answers that it gathers from all its searches in the past 3. This approach ensures that you get a straight answer, although it may not always be everything you want 3. The more precise your questions are, the more accurate the answer Bing AI can provide 3.
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